Search Results
Patricia Kitcher: How the Moral Law is Central to Kant’s Theory of Practical Reason
Patricia Kitcher - A kantian argument for the formula of humanity 1/4
Patricia Kitcher - A kantian argument for the formula of humanity 4/4
Patricia Kitcher - A kantian argument for the formula of humanity 2/4
Kant: Speculative and Practical Reason Short
Acting On Maxims - Kant's Theory of Action
Kant's Moral Philosophy | w/Dr. Chris Firestone - PPP ep. 91
An Interview with Dr. Philip Kitcher
Is Altruism Possible? Egoism and Practical Reason Explained
Freud's Interdisciplinary Fiasco
Graduates of "Best" Universities Lack Practical Judgment & Common Sense
"Progress in the Sciences and in the Arts" Professor Philip Kitcher